About the event:
Some of us who have never faced hunger in the face could never understand the pain, hunger, and anxiety that indigent children face daily every time their stomach growls, and there is nothing on the plate.
This results in physical emaciation, low mental acuity and functioning underdevelopment due to the lack of daily nutrients the bodies these children require. If their parents cannot fend for them, what more can the children do?
Most of the times We are the only chance these children have. It is now time to do something about it and help them.
Hot nutritious meals for barangay indigent children feeding program.
Goal Amount:
PhP 100,000.00 / in USD $ 1,785.00
Raised Amount:
PhP 10,000.00 / in USD $ 178.50
Raising ASD Awareness is good. Donating now is better. Doing something about it is best!